Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tradition versus Modernity

Introduction Human beings have developed sophisticated ways of doing things due to continued innovations and inventions that have made life easier for them. The age of using crude tools and equipments to carry out various activities has long gone as machines take up the old routines.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Tradition versus Modernity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More All sectors of human life have undergone tremendous changes and developments as more sophisticated ways of doing things are invented by the use of modern technology. In addition, it has made human activities less expensive and it takes a short time to get them done. However, despite numerous advantages associated with modern technology some people will never leave the old ways of doing things. This essay outlines the advantages of doing things in an old fashioned way despite the fact that there are modern ways of doing the same things without straining. Summary of Handwriting Rediscovered By Lorne Daniel Handwriting is one of the ancient parts of art that marked various stages of human life. However, it continues to face stiff competition from modern technologies especially with regard to the use of communication tools like computers. Handwriting portrays an individual’s personality with regard to their organization, presentation and emotions that are evident in the manner in which letters and words are written. It is easy to identify a person’s level of organization through looking at his or her handwriting. In addition, emotions are portrayed through a person’s handwriting and this is evident through the manner in which letters and words are written. Moreover, handwriting enables an individual to appreciate his or her creativity by designing various shapes and sizes of letters used for writing words and sentences compared to printed letters on keyboards that are universally shaped and appear clumsy . Modern technology has forced writers to lose contact with their work because keyboards and monitors have created a gap between the two of them. Paper and pen writing enables a person to get immediate feedback from their work since the person has a chance to examine and evaluate the consistency of his or her work. However, despite the above advantages of handwriting it is a strenuous activity that subjects the mind and the body to fatigue and boredom.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Advantages of Doing Things in Old Fashioned Ways Even though human beings strive to invent and innovate simpler means of doing things through the use of modern technology, the old fashioned ways of doing some things are here to stay. This is due to the fact that human beings are not programmed like machines to embrace all changes as soon as they unfold. Every person has a unique way of embracing cha nge in their environment regardless of the benefits associated with them. One of the modern technologies that has been subjected to this situation is the laundering machine used for washing clothes and other fabrics at home. Hand washing is the cheapest way of washing domestic items like clothes, carpets, blankets and other garments used at home because it less expensive than buying a washing machine. The requirements for hand washing are soap, water, buckets and a washing brush compared to machines that require source of power like electricity whose value continues to escalate from day to day. Purchasing a laundry machine is out of reach by many households forcing them to refer to using the old way of washing clothes. Even though there are many people offering machine laundry services in major urban areas, their cost is way beyond the reach of many people thus leaving them with no choice but to handwash their clothes. When a person washes his or her clothes in the old fashioned way , it gives the individual emotional attachment to them due to the contact during the washing process. The person is able to feel the worth of his or her clothes and appreciate it. Taking good care of the clothes while washing is inevitable as the person is able to relate the value of his or her clothes with the efforts being put to ensure they are clean. The contact between people and their clothes ensures that they are able to appreciate beauty and cleanliness that are associated with washing. Therefore, they have the opportunity of improving their hygiene standards.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Tradition versus Modernity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hand washing is the most convenient way of ensuring personal cleanliness is maintained within the shortest time possible. An individual is able to plan on when to clean their clothes with regard to other daily routines and schedules. A person is able to deci de when to do the cleaning and the amount of clothes he or she will wash. It should be noted that despite the availability of laundering businesses all over urban centers most of them are located far from residential premises and this makes them unreachable during odd hours. However, when a person decides to wash their clothes he or she is able to do it at any time of the day or night. Moreover, hand washing clothes and other garments at home gives people the opportunity of exercising their muscles thus helping stay fit. Hand washing involves straining to scrub the dirt off the clothes and from other surfaces at home that requires a lot of energy to do so. Security is one of the major aspects that makes people more reluctant to take their clothes for laundering and instead decide to wash them. This is due to the fact that at the laundry centers other clients’ clothes have been delivered too for washing and cases of misplacing clothes are not easily ruled out. In addition, whe n a person washes his or her clothes, he or she is able to know the period of time their clothes will serve them. When their clothes get older they know it in advance and are able to purchase other clothes at their convenient time. Through this they are able to avoid last minute disappointments that may happen as a result of the tear and wear actions. Lastly, it is great fun and excitement to get our hands wet and soapy while washing our clothes. It gives us a sense of satisfaction and ownership of what we are doing. Hand washing clothes is an activity many people will not hesitate to undertake whenever the need arises. Conclusion The society is undergoing various transformations aimed at making life better for all human beings. However, people should ensure they put into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of various modern technologies before embracing and using them in their daily activities.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Tradition versus Modernity was written and submitted by user Edward Sullivan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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